Gladko M.A. Synergy of Recreation Thematic Dominants in News TV Discourse


Maryna A. Gladko

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Speech Science and Communication Theory, Minsk State Linguistic University

Zakharova St, 21, 220034 Minsk, Belarus

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Abstract. The research paper is devoted to the urgent problem of content change in news discourse as a whole, and informative TV discourse in particular. The article presents the results of a study in combinatorial features of the recreation thematic dominants in the news TV discourse. Frequent nuclear and borderline thematic dominants of positive and negative recreation are identified. Discursive schemes, which reflect the variety of relations that arise between nuclear and borderline themes to implement a recreational function, are built. It has been established that the active combination of recreational themes models special communicative television space in accordance with the emotional aim of receiving pleasure, which is facilitated by verbal explicators of various modes of perception (lexemes with semantics of colour), vocabulary of emotional and aesthetic assessments. An emotional-and-sensual image is revealed to be created in news reports about official events, urban objects. In some cases semantic development is presented with a focus on fashion sphere and description of colour palette of the event by means of units, which belong to semantic fields "Fashion", "Colour". The verbal series of thematic dominants of negative recreation is made up of lexical units with the meaning components 'violence', 'instruments of violence', 'locations', 'love', 'interpersonal relations', 'struggle', which reflect the events in personal life of the news story characters.

Key words: television discourse, news discourse, recreation function, thematic dominants, nuclear themes of recreation, borderline themes of recreation.

Citation. Gladko M.A. Synergy of Recreation Thematic Dominants in News TV Discourse. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2022, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 118-131. (in Russian). DOI:

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