About the Journal

Science Journal of Volgograd State University.




ISSN (Print) 1998-9911

ISSN (Online) 2409-1979

DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2











Has been issued since 1996 

Title (in language of publication): Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 2. Языкознание 

Translated title: Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie

Alternative title for the journal in English: Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics

Short title: Science Journal of VolSU. Linguistics

Frequency:  6 issues a year (No. 1 – March 25, No. 2 – June 10, No. 3 – July 25No. 4 –  September 25No. 5 – November 15, No. 6 – December 29).

Language(s) used in Abstract and Keywords: Russian, English.

Peer Review type: Double-Blind. Submitted articles are reviewed by an independent expert in the matching discipline with anonymity for both author and referee.

Journal is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Media, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage (Russia). (Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС 77-78163 13 March 2020).

Subscription index in united catalogue "Russian Mass Media": 20986.

Founder and Publisher: Volgograd State University

Chief Editor: Dr., Elena Sheptukhina. E-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

E-mail Editorial Board:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



The journal is included into the Index of Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Publications that must publish academic results of doctorial and candidate degrees, which is recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


Branch of science - Philological Sciences.


Range of scientific specialities: 5.9.5 - Russian language. Languages of RF peoples; 5.9.6 - Foreign languages (German languages); 5.9.8 - Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics.




The Journal is added to Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI; Web of Science Core Collection), Russian Science Citation Index database (RSCI), and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).



The new issue of Science Journal of VolSU. Linguistics was published.


The submissions to be published in 2025 are no longer accepted. 


Thematic issues of 2024

No. 2. The Concept of New Sincerity as a Linguistic Phenomenon

No. 4. Media Coverage of the Artificial Intelligence Concept

Questions for Discussion:
Conceptualization of artificial intelligence in media discourse;
Metaphorical models of artificial intelligence representation in media discourse;
Pragmatics of artificial intelligence mediatization;
"Typographic landscape" of artificial intelligence in media communication;
Narratives of artificial intelligence in media communication.

No. 6. Language and Text from a Diachronic Perspective: modern research approaches


Thematic issues of 2025

No. 1. Media Coverage of the Artificial Intelligence Concept

No. 3. Methods of text research: hidden information and interpretations

No. 6. Language and Text from a Diachronic Perspective: modern research approaches