Galimullina A.F., Ivanova O.Yu., Klyukanov I.E., Polikarpov A.M., Khayrullin R.Z. The Peoples of Russia and Their Languages in Translation Theory and Practice: History, Current State and Prospects


Alfiya F. Galimullina

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Department of Russian Literature and Methods of Its Teaching

Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya Emb., 18, 420008 Kazan, Russia

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Olga Yu. Ivanova

Candidate of Sciences (Cultural Studies), Associate Professor, Academic Adviser, Institute of Humanitarian Technology, Russian New University

Radio St, 22, 105005 Moscow, Russia

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Igor E. Klyukanov

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of Communication Studies, Eastern Washington University

5 th St, 526, Cheney, WA 99004, USA

Head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Communications, Russian New University

Radio St, 22, 105005 Moscow, Russia

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Aleksandr M. Polikarpov

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of Department of Translation Studies and Applied Linguistics, Head of the Scientific and Educational Centre "Integrative Translation Studies of the Subarctic Space", Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Severnoy Dviny Emb., 17, 163002 Arkhangelsk, Russia

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Ruslan Z. Khayrullin

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Russian New University, Radio St, 22, 105005 Moscow, Russia

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Abstract. The authors of the paper focus on the opportunities that translation activity opens up in the development and preservation of the languages of Russia, reviving the interest in the study and use of native languages in professional activities, including translation. The significance of translation activity as one of the most effective tools for the preservation of languages is substantiated. A concept of the periodization of the history of national translation in Russia is offered. The researchers have reviewed the literatures of the peoples of Russia and studied literary translation as a form of intercultural communication. New ideas on the formation of specific theories of translation using the languages of the peoples of Russia have been introduced. An attempt is made to provide a comprehensive definition of the term "translation with the languages of the peoples of Russia" along with the formation of a system of its basic categories. A model of specific theories of translation using the languages of the peoples of Russia is presented, and the principles of its variability are determined depending on the pairs of contacting languages. The prospects for the development of areas of translation activity using the languages of the peoples of Russia have been outlined, and a concept of translators' training with the languages of the peoples of Russia has been presented. Some aspects of the current state of translation in Tatarstan have been characterized.

Key words: ethnolinguistic vitality, translation activity, languages of the peoples of Russia, literatures of the peoples of Russia, lexicography, private theory of translation.

Citation. Galimullina A.F., Ivanova O.Yu., Klyukanov I.E., Polikarpov A.M., Khayrullin R.Z. The Peoples of Russia and Their Languages in Translation Theory and Practice: History, Current State and Prospects. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2022, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 59-70. (in Russian). DOI:

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The Peoples of Russia and Their Languages in Translation Theory and Practice: History, Current State and Prospects by Galimullina A.F., Ivanova O.Yu., Klyukanov I.E., Polikarpov A.M., Khayrullin R.Z. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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