Bolotina Yu.P. Realisation of the Category of Politeness as the Way of Representing the Linguacultural Type
Yuliya P. Bolotina
Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of Department of Humanities Education and Pedagogical Technologies, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Volkhov Branch)
Oktyabrskaya Emb., 1A, 187401 Vokhov, Russia
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Abstract. The paper touches upon the issue of linguistic personality and describes the linguistic and cultural character of the butler in the novel written by K. Ishiguro. The paper points the fact that linguacultural type of the butler represents the national English character but does it in an exaggerated way. Linguacultural analysis of the language and speech units in the text has made it possible to characterize the communicative behavior of the protagonist and at the same time to explain the reasons of such behavior. The research results show that the category of politeness takes the leading role in describing the communicative behaviour of the main character. Forms of its representation in the given text include numerous speech clichs and various euphemisms. Moreover, certain syntactic structures such as indirect forms of questions and some parenthetical constructions express politeness in the given text. Restraint, evasiveness, remoteness as well as attempt to avoid imperative structures and imposing one's opinion are also typical of the protagonist's communicative behaviour. The conducted research makes it possible to confirm conclusions made by other scholars who state that category of politeness is a dominant trait of the national English character. We can also conclude that the abovementioned markers of politeness are common for the communicative behaviour of the English.
Key words: category of politeness, communicative behaviour, concept, linguacultural type, text, linguistic personality, speech etiquette.
Citation. Bolotina Yu.P. Realisation of the Category of Politeness as the Way of Representing the Linguacultural Type. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2, Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2018, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 158-165. (in Russian). DOI:
Realisation of the Category of Politeness as the Way of Representing the Linguacultural Type by Bolotina Yu.P. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.