Nechaeva N.A. The Integrity as a Property of Language Units

Natalya Alekseevna Nechaeva

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of German and French Languages, Diplomatic Academy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article discusses the integrity of language units, due to which several disparate values integrate in their composition, summed up of the values of their constituent components. Language units are characterized as elementary language structures, which are allocated by successive division of the linear flow of speech. It is proved that the creation of new quality units, whose properties do not match with the properties of its components, due to the integration of lower-level units, entering into the hierarchical relationships that are characterized as relations degree of difficulty, or "entry" relationships less sophisticated units into more complex where each unit of the lower tier acts as integrant units higher tier. The ability of a language unit to interact with other units is defined as the functional valence. With the application of the methods of monosystem and polysystem analysis, the athor points out formal, functional and semantic integration. Formal integration is seen as a result of the integration process, leading to a change in the shape of a linguistic unit. Functional integration is determined by the terms of use of language units and their functioning in a particular environment. In the process of semantic integration of the interaction of two or more values, leading to the emergence of new third value. Additional components which express the connotative meaning of language units, reflects the anthropocentric nature of language.

Key words: language level, hierarchical relationships, integration, integrative character, integrant, formal integration, functional integration, semantic integration.

Citation. Nechaeva N.A. The Integrity as a Property of Language Units. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 188-195. (in Russian). DOI:

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