Livinskaya I.V. Dictionary of Regional Vocabulary and Informal Toponymes of Novosibirsk: Principles of Arrangement and Stages of Composing 

Irina Vladimirovna Livinskaya

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philology, Novosibirsk State Technical University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article is aimed at presenting scientific experience of the author in composing a "Dictionary of the regional vocabulary and informal toponymes of Novosibirsk" with an anthropocentrically based lexicographical approach (offered in the works by V.V . Morkovkin as a model "from dictionary to a person") viewed as the way to overcome key challenges in building a dictionary of regional vocabulary, that is subjectivity of the authors in formation of the glossary. The four stages of the dictionary creation are characterised: 1) collecting regionally limited words in the Internet (Online Dictionary "Languages of Russian cities", forums); 2) making a survey of residents from other cities to discover regional status of the tentative entries; 3)organizing a survey of Novosibirsk residents with the aim to state regional status of the words and present their meaning; 4) database analysis (about 800 units of the regionalism and informal toponymes) that helped to verify the regionally limited status of the words and present contexts of their usage. The novelty of the dictionary consists in its content structure: regional vocabulary is presented as regional words (regionalism) and informal toponyms. The word entries are presented in two parts – "Regional words" and "Falk toponyms". The author gives samples of the dictionary entries that illustrate the way information is presented in every part.

Key words: regional linguistics, regionalism, informal toponym, anthropocentric lexicography, user query, dictionary of regional vocabulary.

Citation. Livinskaya I.V. Dictionary of Regional Vocabulary and Informal Toponymes of Novosibirsk: Principles of Arrangement and Stages of Composing. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2015, no. 5 (29), pp. 40-45. (in Russian). DOI:

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Dictionary of Regional Vocabulary and Informal Toponymes of Novosibirsk: Principles of Arrangement and Stages of Composing by Livinskaya I.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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