Dzhunkovskiy A.V. New Uses for Linguistic Steganography


Andrey V. Dzhunkovskiy

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Head of the Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics, Senior Researcher, Experimental Phonetics Laboratory of Forensic Linguistics, Moscow State Linguistic University

Ostozhenka St, 38, Bld. 1, 119034 Moscow, Russia

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Abstract. The development of modern linguistic steganography and steganalysis technologies creates new opportunities for use cases to be discovered. Our previous research points to high viability of methods such as trigger-container implementation for the traditional goal of covert information relay. While the findings were significant, it appears that linguistic steganography may have additional applications unrelated to this traditional use case. We aim to analyze how these technologies may be beneficially used in VR-environments, digital governance and for recreational purposes and how these advancements give rise to new speech practices. By investigating the broader implications of linguistic steganography, we hope to uncover innovative ways in which this technology can be harnessed to improve information security, facilitate immersive experiences, and contribute to the development of more sophisticated language-based communication strategies. Using linguistic steganography in VR can improve user experience, ensure sensitive information relay, create new game scenarios. In digital governance these technologies can be used to protect data, ensure secure communications and develop new methods of content analysis. In entertainment, linguistic steganography can be a useful tool for creating riddles, ciphers, and alternative modes of communication in games and other entertainment products. All this gives a new impetus to the development of language practices and prospects for further research in this area.

Key words: steganography, VR, trigger-containers, digital governance, applied linguistics.

Citation. Dzhunkovskiy A.V. New Uses for Linguistic Steganography. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2024, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 124-133. DOI:

New Uses for Linguistic Steganography by Dzhunkovskiy A.V. is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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