Gladko M.A. Discourse Implementation of “New Sincerity” in Communicative Space of Media


Marina A. Gladko

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Speech Studies and Communication Theory, Minsk State Linguistic University

Zakharova St, 21, 220034 Minsk, Belarus

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Abstract. The article represents the peculiarities of "new sincerity" discursive representation in a media text. The research into this phenomenon from sociocultural angle presupposes conducting a multifaceted analysis, in particular, in communicative-and-cognitive and communicative-and-discursive perspectives. It is shown that the willingness of a linguistic personality to share their own thoughts and feelings in the public space is manifested in the generation of media discourse of "new sincerity". The referential aspects of the "new sincerity" are revealed. The author establishes a repertoire of denotative-identifying reference (concrete, abstract referents, referent event), and a set of subject-marked text reference (emotive, evaluative referents). The explication of "new sincerity" is proved to become a tool of linguistic creative activity, as a result of which discourse scenarios are generated. They are focused on influencing the addressee (explication of personal significance, hypersensitivity). The macrostructural positions of the radio discourse of the "new sincerity" are revealed: lead, detailing, evaluative, emotionally oriented parts. Thematic dominants that form the discursive field of "new sincerity" are identified: "everyday life", "life's troubles", "demonstration of weaknesses, inability", "personal achievements and failures", "personal preferences, secrets, qualities, interests, habits", "fears and phobias", "desires and dreams", "details of personal life". The television and radio discourses are rich in emotionally and personally oriented topics and concepts of sincerity, which leads to a change in the status of sincerity and sensitivity from peripheral phenomena to discourse-forming ones. It determines significant functional, qualitative changes in television and radio discourse.

Key words: mediadiscourse, television, radio, new sincerity, macrostructure, scenario, text reference.

Citation. Gladko M.A. Discourse Implementation of "New Sincerity" in Communicative Space of Media. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2024, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 18-28. (in Russian). DOI:

Discourse Implementation of “New Sincerity” in Communicative Space of Media by Gladko M.A. is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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