Derbisheva Z.K., Kretov A.A. System-Functional Stratification of the Average Turkish-Russian Dictionary


Zamira K. Derbisheva

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Philology, KyrgyzTurkish Manas University

Chyngyz Aitmatov Campus (Djal), 720038 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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Alexey A. Kretov

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Voronezh State University

Lenina Sq, 10, 394077 Voronezh, Russia

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Abstract. The study is aimed at stratifying Rosa Yusipova's Turkish-Russian Dictionary (2005) in accordance with the system and functional weights of its constituent words. The method is a parametric lexicon analysis (PLA), developed and tested by scientists of Voronezh State University. PLA involves identifying four particular parametric weights for each word. This is the FUNCTIONAL weight (F-weight is indirectly estimated by the length of the word), the PARADIGMATIC weight (P-weight is estimated by the number of synonyms), SYNTAGMATIC weight (C-weight is estimated by the number of phrases and utterances with this word) and EPIDIGMATIC weight (E-weight is estimated by the number of meanings of a word in the dictionary). For each of the 4 parameters, partial core, counting at least 1000 words, was allocated. The words presented in all 4 particular cores, entered a Small parametric core. Words presented in 3 particular cores entered an Average parametric core, words represented in 2 particular parametric cores – a Large parametric core and words presented in 1 particular parametric core entered the core of the Dictionary. Words that are not presented in any particular parametric core make up the Periphery of the Dictionary. The analysis revealed the words of all 4 cores of the dictionary: Small – 140 words, Middle – 630, Large – 3234, the core of the Dictionary – 6861 and the Periphery of the Dictionary counts 18236 words. The dominant (the most important word in the dictionary) was the word iş 'work, labor', and the vice-dominant – the word üst 'the top'.

Key words: Turkish-Russian dictionaries, parametric analysis, functional word weight, paradigmatic word weight, syntagmatic word weight, epidigmatic word weight, core vocabulary, periphery of vocabulary.

Citation. Derbisheva Z.K., Kretov A.A. System-Functional Stratification of the Average Turkish-Russian Dictionary. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2023, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 101-115. DOI:

System-Functional Stratification of the Average Turkish-Russian Dictionary by Derbisheva Z.K., Kretov A.A. is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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