Andreev V.K., Dmitrieva S.O., Nikitina T.G. The Lexicon of Youth Subcultures in Dynamics (Exemplified by Internet Forums)


Vadim K. Andreev

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Philology, Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language, Pskov State University

Lenina Sq., 2, 180000 Pskov, Russia

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Sofia O. Dmitrieva

Assistant, Department of Philology, Communication and Russian as a Foreign Language, Pskov State University

Lenina Sq., 2, 180000 Pskov, Russia

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Tatiana G. Nikitina

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Educational Technologies, Pskov State University

Lenin Sq., 2, 180000 Pskov, Russia

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Abstract. The article examines the dynamic processes in the sphere of subcultural language nomination and their socio-cultural conditionality. The research is carried out on the material that has not been previously considered
in the dynamic aspect (slang of football fans, hip-hop culture, and k-pop representatives), new words of student slang are involved, the dynamics of which is currently studied unsystematically. The replenishment of the lexicon of these subcultures is revealed in the projection of modern material on the slang dictionaries of the past years. In the course of the study, the thematic dominants in the field of slang innovations were identified (names of representatives of subcultures and their idols, names of types of subcultural activities and their products). Among the main socio-cultural factors that led to updating the vocabulary of subcultures, transformations in the higher education system (student slang), youth music fashion (slang of the subcultures of k-pop and hip-hop), rotation of players in the team (slang of football fans) were noted. The lexicon of musical subcultures is replenished mainly by transliterated borrowings. The slang of students and football fans is updated due to the native language resources used by nominators in acts of univerbation, abbreviation, suffix word formation. In these areas, the special productivity of the nomination game techniques (phonetic mimicry, structural and semantic phraseological transformations) was noted, which indicates a high level of linguistic creativity of slang speakers.

Key words: Russian language, youth subculture, slang, student slang, football fan slang, music subculture slang, nomination methods.

Citation. Andreev V.K., Dmitrieva S.O., Nikitina T.G. The Lexicon of Youth Subcultures in Dynamics (Exemplified by Internet Forums). Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2023, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 36-48. (in Russian). DOI:

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The Lexicon of Youth Subcultures in Dynamics (Exemplified by Internet Forums) by Andreev V.K., Dmitrieva S.O., Nikitina T.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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