Volkova Ya.A., Panchenko N.N., Prigarina N.K. Discommunication: Intercultural, Discursive and Linguoecological Aspects

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2023.1.11

Yana A. Volkova

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Miklukho-Maklaya St, 9, 117198 Moscow, Russia

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Nadezhda N. Panchenko

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of Department of Linguistics, Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University

Prosp. im. V.I. Lenina, 27, 400005 Volgograd, Russia

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Natalya K. Prigarina

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of |Linguistics, Volgograd
State Socio-Pedagogical University

Prosp. im. V.I. Lenina, 27, 400005 Volgograd, Russia

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Abstract. The article clarifies the concept of discommunication, defines its place among the related concepts of communicative failure and communicative conflict, and suggests ways of studying discommunication at the discourse level. A new interpretation of discommunication is proposed in the framework of the linguoecological approach to communication developed by V.I. Shakhovsky. Discommunication is treated as an umbrella term that unites various manifestations of ineffective communication which can occur due to many reasons. At the intercultural and intracultural levels, discommunication can result from non-implementation or incomplete implementation of the communicative intention, failure to achieve the communicative goals, or their mismatch. The resulting ineffectiveness of communication and the ineffectiveness of the communicative interaction are due to a number of reasons, both linguistic and extralinguistic, among which are violation of ethical norms and ecology of communication; non-observance of the rules of argumentation; using manipulative strategies; unsuccessful verbalization of the intention by the addresser. The latter is exemplified in detail with the excerpts from the Russian-language courtroom discourse. It is represented through violations in goal-setting and errors in the formulation of the idea. Expanding the list of discourses for analyzing discommunication will allow identifying the specifics of its implementation in various speech genres and types of communication, and help determine its causes and outline ways to overcome it.

Key words: discommunication, communicative failure, courtroom discourse, goal setting, argumentation, manipulative strategy.

Citation. Volkova Ya.A., Panchenko N.N., Prigarina N.K. Discommunication: Intercultural, Discursive and Linguoecological Aspects. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2023, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 138-150. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2023.1.11

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Discommunication: Intercultural, Discursive and Linguoecological Aspects by Volkova Ya.A., Panchenko N.N., Prigarina N.K. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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