Chirsheva G.N., Korovushkin P.V. From 3 to 5: Pragmatic Functions of Child Code-Switching
Galina N. Chirsheva
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of the Department of Germanic Philology and Intercultural Communication, Cherepovets State University
Prosp. Lunacharskogo, 5, 162600 Cherepovets, Russia
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Petr V. Korovushkin
Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Manager, LLC "Tsitadel"
Leningradskoe Shosse, 1, Bld. 4, 160000 Vologda, Russia
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Abstract. The paper focuses on the pragmatic peculiarities of Russian-English code-switching in the speech of the children who simultaneously acquire Russian and English according to "one person – one language" strategy within a Russian family in Russia. The research data are pragmatically marked utterances of the two boys made when each of them was at the age of three to five. Their bilingualism developed as a monoethnic one since they acquire one of the languages (Russian) from a native Russian speaker and the other (English) from a non-native speaker who belongs to Russian ethnos and culture. The authors argue that pragmatic functions of code-switching reflect the children's attitude to each language and bilingual communication. Child bilingual pragmemes are studied longitudinally, which helps the researchers to reveal the dynamics of code-switching intentions within three years of children's bilingual communication. The results of the study demonstrate the prevalence of addressee-oriented and inducing pragmatic functions of code-switches during the whole period under study. The explanation for this fact lies in the specific strategy of bilingual development and the understanding of the importance of each language in children's bilingual communication. By the age of five, the children gradually develop their bilingual self-reflection, which results in more frequent metalinguistic pragmemes in their mixed utterances.
Key words: child bilingualism, code-switching, bilingual pragmatics, bilingual pragmeme, Russian, English.
Citation. Chirsheva G.N., Korovushkin P.V. From 3 to 5: Pragmatic Functions of Child Code-Switching. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2021, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 102-112. (in Russian). DOI:

From 3 to 5: Pragmatic Functions of Child Code-Switching by Chirsheva G.N., Korovushkin P.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.