House J., Kádár D.Z., Leontyev V.V. Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (An Academic Conversation)
Juliane House
Professor Emerita, Department of Languages and Cultures, University of Hamburg
Lagerloefstrasse, 25, 22391 Hamburg, Germany
Distinguished Professor, Director of the PhD Programme "Language and Communication", Hellenic American University
Amherst St, 436, 03063 Nashua, USA
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Dániel Z. Kádár
Qihang Chair Professor, Director of Research Centre, Center for Pragmatics Research, Dalian University of Foreign Languages
Lüsun Nanlu Xiduan, 6, 116044 Dalian, China
Research Professor, Chair of Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Momentum Interactional Ritual Research Group, Research Centre for Linguistics
Benczúr u., 33, 1068 Budapest, Hungary
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Victor V. Leontyev
Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of German and Romance Philology, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russia
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Abstract. The present paper is based on an interview, conducted by Victor V. Leontyev with Juliane House and Dániel Z. Kádár. It provides an overview of a new theory in pragmatics, namely, Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (RFIEs). This theory provides a bottom-up and corpus-based approach to the study of various pragmatically important expressions through which the participants of an interaction indicate their awareness of the Ritual Frame underlying the interaction. 'Ritual Frame' encompasses a cluster of standard situations in which the rights and obligations of the participants are clearly defined. The corpus-based RFIE approach complements sociopragmatic approaches to various expression types, including so-called 'politeness markers', honorifics, forms of address and so on, and it also helps us to systematically capture the relationship between expressions and speech acts. In studying RFIEs, the analyst focuses on the ways in which RFIEs spread across various standard situations. The study of this issue also allows the researcher to contrastively examine the use of RFIEs across linguacultures. Such contrastive research helps us to unearth major linguacultural differences. For example, the research of J. House and D.Z. Kádár has revealed that while in East Asian linguacultures such as Chinese RFIEs tend to be strongly associated with a particular speech act, this relationship is casual in Western linguacultures.
Key words: Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions, standard situations, conventionalisation, politeness, contrastive pragmatic analysis.
Citation. House J., Kádár D.Z., Leontyev V.V. Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (An Academic Conversation). Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2021, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 42-46. DOI:

Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (An Academic Conversation) by House J., Kádár D.Z., Leontyev V.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.