Sergodeev I.V. Nondefinitivity of Poetic Text Units in View of Intertextuality Theory


Ilya V. Sergodeev

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Linguistics, Snezhinsk Physics and Technology Institute (branch of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")

Komsomolskaya St, 8, 456776 Snezhinsk, Russia

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Abstract. The article considers the problem of finding unmarked intertextual units in fiction. The typology of intertextual relations is represented. These relations are divided into autotextuality, paratextuality, intextuality and archtextuality. Intertextual units are viewed as marked and unmarked ones. The phenomenon of intertextual crosslinking and the exchange of contexts between identical address texts units is discussed. The pattern of nondefinitivity is researched. It is divided into three subpatterns: the context type (explicit / implicit), valance, intertextual potential. A textual unit being in the implicit context has several dictionary and non-dictionary meanings at the same time. A textual unit being in the explicit context has only one dictionary meaning. Valance is discussed from the perspective of the textual aspect. The terms of polysemy and multisense are defined and differentiated. Intertextual potential bases on the examples of well-known and unknown texts, which are linked together by intertextual units. On the other hand, intertextual potential bases on the examples of references to a referent with the use of personal pronouns and common nouns, which do not nominate a person or an object. An unmarked unit of intertextuality has the following features: the implicit type of context, polysemy, intertextual potential equals to 1. The works of R. Frost, R. Lowell, L. Hughes, W. Blake, E. E. Cummings provide practical material, which illustrates the pattern of nondefinitivity.

Key words: intertextuality, intertextual relations, type of intertextual relations, valance, implicit context, intertextual potencial, nondefinitivity, poetic text.

Citation. Sergodeev I.V. Nondefinitivity of Poetic Text Units in View of Intertextuality Theory. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2020, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 145-156. (in Russian). DOI:

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