Araeva L.A., Li S.I. Linguistic World View of the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia: Cognitive Modelling (Exemplified by Frame “Mushrooms”)


Lyudmila A. Araeva

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of the Department of Stylistics and Rhetoric, Kemerovo State University

Krasnaya St, 6, 650000 Kemerovo, Russia

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Stanislav I. Li

Postgraduate Student, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Stylistics and Rhetoric, Kemerovo State University

Krasnaya St, 6, 650000 Kemerovo, Russia

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Abstract. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the propositional analysis of frames on the material of the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in a comparative aspect is carried out. The frame "mushrooms" is studied in the article on the material of the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia (Altai, Buryat, Khakass, Shor) in comparison with the Russian language. The research is based on the frame modelling technique, which implies the analysis of underlying structures of knowledge, i.e. propositional structures. Within the framework of propositional structures, a unique way of world conceptualization by a specific nation is displayed in particular linguistic forms, in realization of proposition the influence of ethnic and cultural view of natural world is shown. The propositional analysis undertaken by the authors has enabled them to state that the frame "mushrooms" in the languages under consideration is characterized by a basic set of propositions (i.e. a mushroom is nominated according to its colour, vegetation place and time, the resemblance of another object based on a particular feature, and according to the type and result of action over it), indicates a tendency to categorize objects of natural origin based on a common family attribute. The cases of word-building and propositional synonymy relations realization have been revealed and described. The conclusion states that there are distinctions in a set of propositions, which reveal the unique approach to understanding the world by a particular nation. The obtained data can be applied to teaching the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia.

Key worlds: languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, Altai language, Buryat language, Khakass language, Shor language, Russian language, propositional structure, proposition.

Citation. Araeva L.A., Li S.I. Linguistic World View of the Indigenous Peoples of Siberia: Cognitive Modelling (Exemplified by Frame "Mushrooms"). Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2020, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 76-85. (in Russian). DOI:

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