Vostryakova N.A. Russian Gender Relations in Educational Materials on RFL as a Subject of Reflection in the Muslim Audience
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2019.3.8
Natalya A. Vostryakova
Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language, Volgograd State Technical University
Prosp. V.I. Lenina, 28, 400005 Volgograd, Russia
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Abstract. The article analyzes the textbook of the Russian language "The Road to Russia" by V.E. Antonova, M.M. Nakhabina, M.V. Safronova, A.A. Tolstykh, which is in demand at the elementary, basic and first certification levels of training of foreigners in Russia and abroad. Special attention is drawn to the speech practice and visual materials of this textbook, that represent gender relations in Russia, which might be ambiguously perceived by students who profess Islam. It is shown that when comprehending such materials, students often do not take into account the traditional moral values of the Russians and make inadequate moral conclusions. The necessity of considering these issues is explained by the fact that this textbook is applicable to an "ideal foreigner"; it does not take into account the confessional characteristics of students and significant differences in the organization of life in different countries. The article distinguishes particular texts and topics of the textbook, the study of which should be accompanied by special cultural commentary of the teacher, as well as speech material that might be excluded from the educational process, since its presentation in the Muslim audience is not appropriate. A reasoned conclusion is drawn on the necessity of compiling a textbooks aimed at forming a positive opinion on Russia among foreign Muslim students and harmonizing relations between speakers of different faith-based cultures.
Key words: cross-cultural communication, Russian as a foreign language, RFL, Russian gender relations, Educational Linguistics, Islam, educational text, educational dialogue.
Citation. Vostryakova N.A. Russian Gender Relations in Educational Materials on RFL as a Subject of Reflection in the Muslim Audience. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2019, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 103-115. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2019.3.8
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Russian Gender Relations in Educational Materials on RFL as a Subject of Reflection in the Muslim Audience by Vostryakova N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.