Madzhaeva S.I., Epanchina L.V. Compositional and Speech Structure of the Medical Student’s Practice Diary
Sanya I. Madzhaeva
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Latin and Foreign Languages Department, Astrakhan State Medical University
Bakinskaya St., 121, 414000 Astrakhan, Russia
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Liliya V. Epanchina
Head of Preparatory Department, Astrakhan State Medical University
Bakinskaya St., 121, 414000 Astrakhan, Russia
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Abstract. The diary of the medical student's practice is characterized as an integrated whole. By its content the diary is related to a medical type of documents, by its form and purpose it is referred to an educational type. The main purpose of the diary of practice is described as professional training of a medical student, which includes fixation and transmission of information about the measures taken to improve the condition of the patient, the application of theoretical knowledge, consolidation and deepening of theoretical training. The article characterizes functions, requisites of the diary, describes its structure, and represents content of the parts. The functions of the document under study are as following: informative, communicative, educational and didactic. In accordance with the selected functions the authors analyze vocabulary in the diary, reveal special and common lexis, and state some regulations in the usage of terms that are distributed into a number of thematic groups. Thematic group "Things and devices used in the medical institution" is typical of the first and second-year students. The third-year student's diary includes terms from thematic group "Medical procedures". The fourth and fifth year student's diary demonstrates some thematic variety, as there terms of the thematic groups "Symptoms of the disease", "Diagnosis", "Methods of treatment", Latin term abbreviations are used. The language picture of a medical specialist characterizes accumulation and growth of professional knowledge and development in competence of a specialists.
Key words: document, medical document, practice diary, documentary text, term, thematic group, vocabulary.
Citation. Madzhaeva S.I., Epanchina L.V. Compositional and Speech Structure of the Medical Student's Practice Diary. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2019, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 57-66. (in Russian). DOI:
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