Bagiyan A.Yu., Shiryaeva T.A. Developing the Method of Conceptual Linguistic Engineering of Professional Identity: Approaches, Essence, Prospects


Aleksandr Yu. Bagiyan

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor of Department of English Language and Professional Communication, Pyatigorsk State University

Prosp. Кalinina, 9, 357532 Pyatigorsk, Russia

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Tatyana A. Shiryaeva

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of Department of English Language and Professional Communication, Pyatigorsk State University

Prosp. Кalinina, 9, 357532 Pyatigorsk, Russia

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Abstract. The research object of the paper is professional identity as the integral component of individual's identification matrix, whereas the methodological prerequisites of professional identity's conceptual linguistic engineering act as the research subject. The objective of the research consists in developing new research tools promoting deeper analysis of sociological and linguo-cognitive characteristics of professional identity by means of forming its conceptual framework. The carried-out critical analysis of theoretical-methodological works devoted to professional identity allows to allocate a number of mainstream approaches to this sphere of studies and to describe a number of key aspects of this sociocultural phenomenon. At the same time, the authors focus their attention on the integral synthesis of the described scientific ideas, which acts as a fundamental basis for developing the method of conceptual linguistic engineering of professional identity. Considering the predominant position of the language in the course of professional identity formation, the fundamental basis of the proposed method is the principle of complex discursive matrix, taking into account a wide number of modern linguistics achievements in the field of discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and pragmatics, linguo-axiology, linguo-ecology, and terminology science. Due to the combination of complex linguo-cognitive, socio-lexicographic and pragma-axiological modeling, as well as systematization and standardization of discourses and their popular scientific sub-discourses, it becomes possible to fill in a number of theoretical and practical gaps. All the above-mentioned helps to offer an algorithm of effective professional cross-cultural interaction in the sphere of critical technologies between the Russian and foreign scientists.

Key words: methodology, professional identity, complex technique, discourse, discursive matrix, science-popular discourse, conceptual linguistic engineering, sociolinguistics.

Citation. Bagiyan A.Yu., Shiryaeva T.A. Developing the Method of Conceptual Linguistic Engineering of Professional Identity: Approaches, Essence, Prospects. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2, Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2018, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 214-228. (in Russian). DOI:

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