Gadomski A. Lexicographic Description of Theolinguistic Terminology (Exemplified by the Russian and Polish Languages)


Aleksander Gadomski / Aleksandr Kazimirovich Gadomskiy

Doctor Habilitated of Arts in Linguistics (University of Warsaw, 2014), Doctor of Philological Sciences (A.A. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2015), Professor, Head of Department of Belarusian Studies and Ukrainian Studies, Institute of Slavic Studies, Opole University

Copernicus Sq., 11, 45-060 Opole, Poland 

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Abstract. The paper deals with the problems of lexicographic description of Russian and Polish theolinguistic terminology. We describe theolinguistics as one of the subdisciplines of linguistics, which main focus is on the reflection of religion in language. We present the most important achievements in the given field at the turn of the 20th and 21st cc., specify the relevant theoretical and applied aspects of contemporary theolinguistic studies. However, it is shown that there is a gap in the modern theolinguistic research – the lack of a comprehensive description of the terminology of Slavonic theolinguistics. An attempt has been made to give a lexicographical description of theolinguistic terminology – a draft dictionary divided into four chapters: alphabetical and thematical lists of Polish-Russian theolinguistic terminology; alphabetical and thematical lists of scholarly works, which were the source of terminology presented in the first two chapters. The analysis and processing of vocabulary and bibliography have been carried out using the classical and modern scholarly methods and the computer technologies. Terminology and bibliography of theolinguistics shall be presented in alphabetical and thematical (ideographical) order. There is a potentially wide spectrum of fundamental research problems in the field of Slavonic and particularly Russian and Polish theolinguistics. These disciplines can be further developed through the contacts with the leading centers of theolinguistic research in the contemporary world as well as with the help of rising interest of various scholars working in the fields of linguistics, religion, anthropology, etc. The dictionary can be used not only in scholarly work but also in the process of education.

Key words: lexicography, theolinguistics, terminology, terminology of theolinguistics, Russian language, Polish language, dictionary, dictionary structure.

Citation. Gadomski A. Lexicographic Description of Theoinguistic Terminology (Exemplified by the Russian and Polish Languages). Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2, Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2018, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 17-28. (in Russian). DOI:

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Lexicographic Description of Theolinguistic Terminology (Exemplified by the Russian and Polish Languages) by Gadomski A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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