Zagumennov A.V. The Linguistic Personality from the Viewpoint of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Problem Statement


Aleksandr V. Zagumennov

Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian Language, Journalism and Communication Theory, Vologda State University

Lenina St., 15, 160000 Vologda, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article, which consists of 5 parts, is devoted to the problem of connection between linguistic personology, on the one hand, and hermeneutics and phenomenology, on the other hand. This viewpoint is contrary to the generally accepted view of most scientists, which displays the relationship of this discipline with the philosophy of personalism. The article's introduction provides a brief description of the problem field of linguistic personality theory. This discipline was finally formed in Russia in the 1980s. The next two sections are devoted to the analysis of theoretical studies. The theoretical material substantiates the potential existence of an invariant organization of understanding, which largely coincides with the three-level model of linguistic personality in the conception by Yu.N. Karaulov. The connection of hermeneutics and phenomenology paradigms in the studied linguistic discipline is determined by many reasons, including historical and methodological ones. The results of a number of comparisons refute the possibility of referring to the linguistic personality theory as a "linguistic personology" because its terminology and investigative procedures are represented in more ancient philosophical systems closely related to philological sciences. Due to the fact that the text is understood as a folded author's activity fundamentally amenable to its unfolding, the researcher should focus on functional transitions, shifts, displayed by language resources. As an empirical application of the approach the author describes interpretation of quotations from the Holy Book in the I.A. Khvorostinin's short novel Slovesa dney i tsarey i svyatiteley Moskovskikh ezge est v Rossii ('Words of Days, Tsars and Saint Bishops of Moscow, Russia') as a series of specific steps aimed at disclosing semantic connection with extralinguistic reality. Besides, the author differentiates the author's individual interpretation of the sign and the author's individual interpretation of historical events. The author notes a potential alternativeness of hermeneutics and phenomenology to developments in the field of cognitive linguistics, and their application in the study of the texts of the first half of the 17th century allows to show the verbal behavior of native speakers in the conditions of social and cultural crisis of the Time of Troubles.

Key words: linguistic personology, hermeneutics, phenomenology, linguistic personality, text, interpretation.

Citation. Zagumennov A.V. The Linguistic Personality from the Viewpoint of Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Problem Statement. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2017, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 144-153. (in Russian). DOI: 

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