Abramova I.Yu. Peculiarities of Naming the Mass Market Products in the 21st Century (on the Example of Lexeme Trousers of Thematic Microgroup “Men’s Clothes”)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2017.1.7

Inga Ju. Abramova

Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian Language, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs

Gorkogo St., 87, 600000 Vladimir, Russian Federation,

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Abstract. The author of the present article made attempt to classify word combinations of different structures and compound nominations with the key word trousers included into a thematic microgroup "men's clothes". The linguistic material used includes the texts of online catalogs of men's clothes represented at the mass market; in total the author analyzed more than 400 word combinations. Two trends of trousers noun functioning in the modern Russian language are revealed: the first one consists in the "ideal denotation" by a single lexical unit trousers, the second one reflects the process of increasing the syntagmatic possibilities of the analyzed lexeme in modern discourse-mediated use, resulting in the expression of numerous "material denotations" for various language situations. A detailed analysis of numerous examples allowed to distinguish two classification groups of word combinations and compound nominations related to the thematic microgroup "men's clothes" – quantitativestructural and semantic-cultural. The author characterizes the morphological, syntactic, semantic, lexicographic features of presenting names of such item as trousers at the market today. Special attention in this research is paid to the combination and mutual influence of intralinguistic and extralinguistic peculiarities of functioning of the analyzed units in the modern Russian discourse practices of the 21st century. 

Key words: thematic microgroup "men's clothes", ideal denotation, material denotation, word combination, compound nomination, classification of word combinations, type of word combination, linguocultural unit.

Citation. Abramova I.Yu. Peculiarities of Naming the Mass Market Products in the 21st Century (on the Example of Lexeme Trousers of Thematic Microgroup “Men’s Clothes”). Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2017, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 72-79. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2017.1.7. 

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Peculiarities of Naming the Mass Market Products in the 21st Century (on the Example of Lexeme Trousers of Thematic Microgroup “Men’s Clothes”) by Abramova I.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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