Pyataeva N.V., Kolokolova L.P., Shnayderman L.A. International Collective Monograph “Lexicographic Studies”: Analytical Overview


Natalia V. Pyataeva

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor of Department of Russian Language, Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University

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Lidiya P. Kolokolova

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language, Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University

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Prosp. Lenina, 49, 453103 Sterlitamak, Russian Federation

Larisa A. Shnayderman

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language, Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University

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Prosp. Lenina, 49, 453103 Sterlitamak, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article presents an analytical review of the first two issues of international collective monograph "Lexicographic Studies" published in the publishing house of the Moscow State University in 2013 and 2015). The task of the monograph is to develop the theory and methodology of aspectual lexicography, design, compilation and publication of innovative dictionaries on the materials of as many languages as possible. The monograph presents the results obtained by research group of authors from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and Abkhazia: summarizing the historical and methodological works and fragments of dictionaries in the context of comparative historical, contrastive, system structural, anthropocentric and introspective paradigms of modern lexicography. The publication of periodic international collective monograph is performed in the context of research projects under the program of the International Slavic Committee, the National Slavic Committee of Russia and the Commission on lexicology and lexicography RAS related to the development, compilation, publication and distribution of multiaspectual dictionaries of the Russian language.

Key words: lexicography, theory of lexicography, history of lexicography, aspectual lexicography, historicalcomparative lexicography, systematic-structural lexicography, introspective lexicography

Citation. Pyataeva N.V., Kolokolova L.P., Shnayderman L.A. International Collective Monograph “Lexicographic Studies”: Analytical Overview. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 253-260. (in Russian). DOI:

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International Collective Monograph “Lexicographic Studies”: Analytical Overview by Pyataeva N.V., Kolokolova L.P., Shnayderman L.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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