Starodubtseva N.A. Verbal Means of Expressing Kin Relations in the Lexicon of Dialect Speakers (Based on the Speech of Residents From Multi-Ethnic Areas of the Volgograd Region)


Natalya A. Starodubtseva

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and Documentation Studies, Volgograd State University

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Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. In this article, the part of the lexicon of a dialect speaker limited by verbs characterizing different types of kinship and in-law relations is described on the basis of the field approach. The study of the linguistic means has shown that the identified lexical units have typical semantics 'making family relations as a result of some ceremonies, circumstances and conditions', 'the type of interrelationship between relatives', 'the breakdown / loss of kin relations' that can have particular meanings. Based on the speech of the residents of the multi-ethnic areas of the Volgograd Region (Don Cossacks and Ukrainians – aborigines, migrants and their descendants), the usual and occasional linguistic means forming the core and periphery zone of the semantic field "Family relationships" are identified. The differences of the lexical units that constitute the core zone, the circumnuclear zone, the close periphery, and the far periphery are shown. The analysis of verbs was conducted according to four criteria (paradigmatic, syntagmatic, epidigmatic, and functional) and contributed to the identification of the componental structure of each segment of the field. The lexical parallels (equivalents and analogues) used to express the analysed semantics have been identified in the lexicon of a dialect speaker. It has been found out that the verbs of interrelationship and interpersonal relations form the circumnuclear zone. The close periphery includes the verbs of speech, entity, emotional state, social relations; the far periphery includes the verbs of movement, physical impact on an object, social activity, functional state that are used as irregular means expressing the semantics of family relationships in the structure of the analysed lexicon.

Key words: dialectology, oral speech, lexicon, verb, functional and semantic field, core, periphery.

Citation. Starodubtseva N.A. Verbal Means of Expressing Kin Relations in the Lexicon of Dialect Speakers (Based on the Speech of Residents From Multi-Ethnic Areas of the Volgograd Region). Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 143-151. (in Russian). DOI:

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Verbal Means of Expressing Kin Relations in the Lexicon of Dialect Speakers (Based on the Speech of Residents From Multi-Ethnic Areas of the Volgograd Region) by Starodubtseva N.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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