Yuryeva E.V. The Slogan of the Social Advertising as a Subgenre of the Advertising Discourse

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.4.12

Elena V. Yuryeva

Assistant, Department of Russian and Ukrainian Languages, Donetsk National Technical University

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Abstract. The article defines the place of PSAs slogan in a variety of genres of advertising discourse: it is considered as a productive subgenre characterized by continuous development, with the simple structure (usually includes one or two speech acts), mixed in the parameter of purpose of communication (combines pragmatic signs of phatic and information genres) and indirect (mismatch between propositional content and illocutionary force). In this article pragmatic parameters of PSAs slogan are revealed. They determine the features of its functioning in the social advertising genre preserving its main communicative task – optimal influence on the addressee. The subgenre of PSAs slogan is characterized on the basis of "communicative purpose", "addresser", "addressee", "communicative situation", "speech features". It was found that "addresser" and "addressee" are the priority images; the exacerbation of a certain social problem provokes a communicative situation in the form of a slogan; dictum content of PSAs slogan, first of all, depends on the presence / absence of a certain social problems; language of PSAs slogan is the mechanism of the addresser's influence on the addressee, on his conceptual picture of the world, on his actions and his mind.

Key words: slogan, subgenre, addresser, addressee, communication, communicative purpose, communicative situation, PSAs.

Citation. Yuryeva E.V. The Slogan of the Social Advertising as a Subgenre of the Advertising Discourse. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 114-121. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.4.12

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The Slogan of the Social Advertising as a Subgenre of the Advertising Discourse by Yuryeva E.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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