Kononova I.V., Nikolaev F.A. SEO-Optimized Text as a Genre Variation of Computer-Mediated Advertising Discourse

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.4.10

Inna V. Kononova

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Language Theory and Translation Studies, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

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Sadovaya St., 21, 191023 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Fedor A. Nikolaev

Postgraduate Student, Department of Language Theory and Translation Studies, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

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Sadovaya St., 21, 191023 Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article describes some of the linguistic, compositional, structural and communicative-pragmatic peculiarities of English SEO-optimized texts; it also defines the place of this text type in the genre structure of the advertising discourse. The results of the analysis of the corpus data allow to conclude that, as a genre variation of advertising discourse, SEO-optimized text is characterized by a number of features peculiar to the modern "prototypical" advertising text: the leading role of persuasion strategies at the communicative-pragmatic level; the implementation of this strategy at the syntactic level through the use of imperative verb forms, and performative and modal verbs; lexical realization of inducement strategies through the use of words which meaning contains the seme of the subject cognitive activity. Communicative-pragmatic and linguistic features that characterize this type of text as a special variation of computer-mediated advertising discourse are conditioned by the presence of a technogenic addressee. Due to the presence of technogenic addressee SEO-optimized texts are characterized by a low coefficient of lexical variation degree, high proportion of nouns and adjectives in relation to the total number of words. The implementation of the evaluation strategy for SEO-optimized texts does not correspond to the contemporary dynamics of advertising discourse. These texts do not tend to enhance accuracy. They are characterized by redundancy of general evaluation adjectives and superlatives that realize the tactic of "self-glorification". The evaluative, redundancy of this type of texts is conditioned by their pragmatic orientation to the instant capture of consumer's attention at the expense of implementation of a number of self-representation tactics.

Key words: advertising discourse, computer-mediated discourse, SEO-optimized text, corpus data analysis, genre structure, technogenic addressee, discourse strategy.

Citation. Kononova I.V., Nikolaev F.A. SEO-Optimized Text as a Genre Variation of Computer-Mediated Advertising Discourse. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 96-103. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.4.10

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SEO-Optimized Text as a Genre Variation of Computer-Mediated Advertising Discourse by Kononova I.V., Nikolaev F.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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