Kolodina N.I. The Structuredness of the Concept of “Kindness” in the Frame “to Act for Kindness” in the Consciousness of Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Teenagers


Nina Ivanovna Kolodina

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of English Language, Voronezh State Pedagogical University

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Lenina St., 8, 394043 Voronezh, Russian Federation

Abstract. This article represents the interdisciplinary research made with linguistic, psycholinguistic and psychological methods. In the article the structuredness of notion "kindness" in the consciousness of hard-of-hearing and hearing teenagers is revealed according to the developed algorithm. Algorithm includes the steps with questions: to identify the respondents' awareness of the notion "kindness" (question 1); to set synonymous semantic field in teenagers' every-day mind consciousness (question 2); to reveal associative field of notion (question 3); to define the frame slots "to act for kindness" with projection to the respondent (question 4); to define the frame slots "to act for kindness" without projecting to the respondent (question 5); to determine the basic motive with the correlation of moral notion (question 6). The comparison of received data in the result of questioning two respondents' groups is carried out, coincidences and differences on the level of units are identified and analyzed, the histograms of moral notion "kindness" are represented, which show nuclear and peripheral positions of the notion units. On the following algorithm steps the frame slots are determined, their analysis is provided and semantic structuredness of the frame "to act for kindness" is formed. The basic motive of behavior "to act for kindness" is detected and the models of the frame structuredness with included motive and structuredness of the notion "kindness" in the teens' consciousness are compiled. On the basis of units coincidences analysis, the author makes conclusion about steady structuredness of the notion "kindness" in the teens' consciousness. Lexical units coincidences in both teens' groups represent the adaptive minimum of lexical store to explain and interpret the moral notion "kindness" correctly. The detected exceeding of the amount of individual slots over the general ones in the hard of hearing teens' consciousness confirms the hypothesis about the stereotyping low level of respondents' consciousness. The revealed lacunas in both pupils' groups show the insufficient level of moral comprehension of the notion "kindness" and the stereotypical situation "to act for kindness".

Key words: structuredness of moral notion of "kindness", frame, psycholinguistic model of frame structuredness, slots, motive, consciousness of hard-of-hearing teenagers, consciousness of hearing teenagers.

Citation. Kolodina N.I. The Structuredness of the Concept of “Kindness” in the Frame “to Act for Kindness” in the Consciousness of Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Teenagers. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 149-161. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.3.17

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The Structuredness of the Concept of “Kindness” in the Frame “to Act for Kindness” in the Consciousness of Hard-of-Hearing and Hearing Teenagers by Kolodina N.I. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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