Vikulova L.G., Makarova I.V., Novikov N.V. Institutional Discourse of Digital Diplomacy: New Communicative Practices

Larisa Georgievna Vikulova

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of Roman Philology, Moscow City Pedagogical University

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Malyy Kazennyy lane, 5b, 105064 Moscow, Russian Federation

Irina Vladimirovna Makarova

Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of French Language and Linguodidactics, Moscow City Pedagogical University

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Malyy Kazennyy lane, 5b, 105064 Moscow, Russian Federation

Nikolay Valeryevich Novikov

Postgraduate Student, Department of Roman Philology, Moscow City Pedagogical University

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Malyy Kazennyy lane, 5b, 105064 Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The question of media space is posed in the analysis of multiple communicative practices which appeared in the 21st c. including the subject realm of diplomacy. The axiological importance of the structures of a diplomatic discourse, as dynamic form which made a progress from a concealed policy to an informational openness, is determined. The fact that digital diplomacy is drawn into audiovisual stream of the network type of communication is also proved. The paper deals with new communicative practices in the area of diplomacy, mainly within the social networks framework. The ways of creation of an opened communicative area of digital diplomacy at the expense of media technologies to meet diplomatic tasks are displayed. The role of official accounts of foreign policy departments and international organizations in Facebook and Twitter is analyzed. This fact allows to distinguish the Facebook diplomacy and Twiplomacy as forms of the diplomacy of social networks. A strategic potential and media parameters of a diplomatic practice are specified. The application of the strategy of national branding by the use of personalized diplomacy is identified. The use of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) technology in a blog's band of notes in the form of creolized messages with the purpose of informational rapprochement with a potential recipient is examined. A comparative analysis of linguistic and cultural particularities of sites of USA, French and Russian foreign ministries is represented. It was concluded that new parameters of diplomatic communication like orientation on masses, forms and content, level of involvement of social networks users mirror a new discursive informational practice of diplomatic services. It is shown that the modeling of discourse of digital diplomacy is based on national branding with the purpose to create a positive image of a represented state.

Key words: diplomatic discourse, digital diplomacy, social network, Twiplomacy, Facebook diplomacy, account, hashtag, national branding.

Citation.Vikulova L.G., Makarova I.V., Novikov N.V. Institutional Discourse of Digital Diplomacy: New Communicative Practices. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 54-65. (in Russian). DOI:

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Institutional Discourse of Digital Diplomacy: New Communicative Practices by Vikulova L.G., Makarova I.V., Novikov N.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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