Polyanskaya A.G. Structural Features оf Landing Page as One of the Types of Corporate Websites


Anastasiya Gennadyevna Polyanskaya

Postgraduate Student, Institute of Linguistics (Russian Academy of Science)

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Abstract. The article deals with the corporate websites texts, its variety, genre peculiarities and difference from other creolized texts. Since the content of the text depends on the type of website, giving accent to the sites focused on the b2b and b2c spheres. The author marks the differences between single-page or multi-page sites. The particular attention is paid to seo-texts and the texts of Landing Pages because their structure is the most accurate. The examples show that such texts have a similar composition and similar thematic blocks, regardless of online resource's subject matter: offer, information about the company, information about the product or service, information about special offers, call to action ("subscribe", "leave application"), customer reviews and contacts. In addition, the article describes the corporate websites of texts research method using online analytics data that allows determining effectiveness of a whole text and its separate blocks. This method has been successfully used by specialists in the field of marketing and advertising and can be borrowed by linguists to study the mechanisms of perception of the text. Thus, the combination of linguistic research methodology of creolized texts and online statistics can have both theoretical significance and obvious practical benefit to professionals in different fields.

Key words: psycholinguistics, texts of corporate websites, structure of the text, creolized text, internet linguistics.

Citation. Polyanskaya A.G. Structural Features оf Landing Page as One of the Types of Corporate Websites. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 47-53. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.3.5

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Structural Features оf Landing Page as One of the Types of Corporate Websites by Polyanskaya A.G. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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