Patroeva N.V. “Twilight” Syntax of E. Baratynsky (Based on the “Twilight” Collection, 1842)

Natalya Viktorovna Patroeva

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language, Petrozavodsk State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article represents the results of analyze of the poem structural and semantic organization in the series of E. Bаratynsky "Twilight" collection; features of the structure, the division of the sentences are revealed, the types of the grammatical relations and the connections between the structures are determined, the semantic-functional potential of the syntactic units, the correlation between the syntactic and rhythmic-metric construction of the text is described. The dominance of the complex structures in the "Twilight" (most of them represent the asyndetic two- or multipart formations, implementing hypotaxis relations) is indicated; the analysis of individual syntactic constructions represents the syncretism of grammatical meanings of syntaxemes; a large number of distributors of the grammatical center in a series of "Twilight" leads to a greater average length of a phrase, but extra long phrases are combined with short remarks similar to the verbal conversation in the series, that make "interruptions" of the rhythm and stylistic "failures", deepen the asymmetry in the construction of the text. The important role of homogeneous series and complicating structures in filling the metric space is stated. The study revealed the sentences with complicating motions of verse by unattached phrases characteristic of the poems; it is poly-metric and different metric foot and also iambic hexameter and dactyl. The simple structures are prevailed in iambic pentameter and iambic trochee, which were widely used in small genres. The study demonstrats the poetic grammar of the late Bаratynsky and shows the archaic trend towards the structural-semantic and rhythmic-melodic complexity and reveals features that brings it closer to baroque and classic ode, the style of "weaving of words", the language of the Biblical prophecy, the church sermons, spiritual hymns and psalms.

Key words: poetic syntax, poly-predicative sentence, detachment phrase, address, semicomposite sentence, simple sentence.

Citation. Patroeva N.V. “Twilight” Syntax of E. Baratynsky (Based on the “Twilight” Collection, 1842). Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 105-119. (in Russian). DOI: 

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“Twilight” Syntax of E. Baratynsky (Based on the “Twilight” Collection, 1842) by Patroeva N.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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