Erofeeva I.V. The Functional-Semantic Peculiarities of Derivative Words in the Texts of Chronicle Genre

Irina Valeryevna Erofeeva

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian Language and Applied Linguistics, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The paper analyzes the functional-semantic peculiarities of derivative words in the language of Russian chronicles. The word-formation is considered as an important mechanism of nominative human activity, which represents the process of learning of extralinguistic reality. Reference to the lingvo-cultural approach to studying old texts' linguistic peculiarities gives an opportunity to represent important fragments of reality for certain ethnic group. Such reality fragments are offered derivational determination. In the article the author analyzes the most productive derivational types of derivative nouns which are referred to two main semantic fields – the field of doer and the field of action. Furthermore, the article includes interpretation of determining functional and semantic capacity of morphemes which influences substantive word derivation. Such morphemes' capacity is connected with stylistic peculiarities, origin and semantic potential of words under study. The article reveals connections between genre of chronicle narrative and the usage of representatives of different derivational types. In the article there is also the analysis of different cases of correlation between word-formation suffix and producing word stem which determine stylistic status of derivative nouns. The author pays attention to significant for medieval consciousness signs which receive actualization in the derivational acts. In the area of personal derivatives and nouns with the meaning of action the author analyzes derivative nouns with the most productive suffixes. This research supplements and expands views about the language of Russian chronicles as the most important source of studying the Russian literary language of the middle ages.

Key words: chronicle, cultural linguistics, word-formation, substantive suffix, stylistic peculiarities.

Citation. Erofeeva I.V. The Functional-Semantic Peculiarities of Derivative Words in the Texts of Chronicle Genre. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 53-61. (in Russian). DOI:

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