Shipova I.A. Narrative Perspective, Type of Narrative Forms and Categories of the Subject as Signs of the Narrative Literary Text 

Irina Alekseevna Shipova

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of German Language, Moscow State Pedagogical University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article is devoted to the definition of narrative perspective as synthesis of subject-speech, composite-thematic and spatial-temporal plans of the narrative literary text conditioned by the corresponding communicative and creative strategy, or conceptual and thematic positions of the author. The typology of narrative forms given in this article reflects the dependence of narrative perspective on the type of the narrator. The producer of the text defined in literary criticism as "an image of the author" is considered in the article as the subject of a narration not identical to category of the subject in the narrative literary text which means at least two instances: subject of the speech and subject of consciousness. They can both coincide in the narration, and to represent various points of view within one statement that is reflected in the text due to the corresponding semantic properties of language elements. Lexical and grammatical units of language serve also as a way of formation of the narrative mode depending on an authors plan as a mode of a statement, imagination, reminiscence, etc., allowing to express the relation of the author of the text to its contents or to the maintenance of its fragment. The structural-semantic system of the art text allows us to speak about its sign character, reflecting semantic and expressive dominants of the narration.

Key words: narrative literary text, narrative perspective, subject of speech, subject of consciousness, statement mode, imagination mode, reminiscence mode.

Citation. Shipova I.A. Narrative Perspective, Type of Narrative Forms and Categories of the Subject as Signs of the Narrative Literary Text. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, no. 1 (30), pp. 161-166. (in Russian). DOI:

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