Tokareva I.Yu. Linguodidactic Approach to the Document Text 

Inna Yuryevna Tokareva

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of Professional Skills Improvement and Teachers Professional Retraining of Tula Region ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article discusses the possibilities of studying the features of the document included in a literary text during school lessons on the example of fragments of the novel by V. Grossman “Life and Destiny”. The author works out the complex of interrelated questions and tasks for analyzing the documents used in the novel questionnaires and summaries of the information bureau. The search for answers to these questions and the accomplishment of tasks allow students (under the guidance of a teacher) to carry out a number of procedures. Firstly, students characterize the differences between official and literary styles, shows how the document included into the literary text makes part of the general image-bearing system of the work, how it undergoes a stylistic rethinking and changes its functions, becoming an auxiliary artistic detail, an iconic sign, creating the illusion of referentiality. Secondly, students identify the values, ideologies, stereotypes, which are explicited by the document, expanding their understanding of the ideological identity of the depicted era, the categories of culture embodied in the language of the novel fabric. Thirdly, students examine the use of linguistic means of official style, as a document in literary text retains its linguistic identity. Thus, the article shows that working with a document, included in a literary text allows the teacher to solve a complex linguodidactic tasks.

Key words: official style, literary style, text, document, ideologeme, stereotype, value, linguodidactics.

Citation. Tokareva I.Yu. Linguodidactic Approach to the Document Text. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, no. 1 (30), pp. 137-140. (in Russian). DOI:

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