Tyurikova N.A. Peculiarities of Representing the Office-work and Archiving Terminology in Lexicographic Sources


Nataliya Anatolyevna Tyurikova

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Russian Language and Documentation Studies, Volgograd State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article describes the main problems of system representation of integrative terminology of "Office-work and archiving" subject field which is included in dictionaries standards, thesauruses and the other lexicographic sources. The author identifies the differences between types of lexicographical sources from the point of view of their functionality: regulatory document dictionaries of terms have standardization and harmonization of terminology as their main aim, dictionary of document names, and dictionaries of the terminology of functional species groups of document texts a taxonomy document objects, thesauri and terminological standards system representation terminology of the subject area. It was found that the standard terminology as a special kind of lexicographic source, which is included in the wordlist, has inter-subject heterogeneity that generates some complexity, and it is manifested in the ambiguity of logical and semantic relations, terminological polysemy and instability of definitions. The research of definitions allowed to draw a conclusion on distinctions of logical and semantic models of their construction that, to some extent, reflects conceptual instability of dynamic subject domains and their terminology, and distinction in the definitions given in state standards of different scopes of application are determined not only a versatility of manifestation of the most defined object, existence of various schools and doctrines, but also the intersubject status of the document, exactly, by its integrative essence.

Key words: lexicography, terminological standard, office-work and archiving terminology, integrity of terminology, interpretation way.

Citation. Tyurikova N.A. Peculiarities of Representing the Office-work and Archiving Terminology in Lexicographic Sources. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, no. 1 (30), pp. 87-95. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.1.11

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