Tokarev G.V. Features of Document and Literary Texts 

Grigoriy Valeryevich Tokarev

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Documentation Studies and Stylistics of Russian Language, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article compares the features of the documentary and literary texts. We can compare such features as algorithmic delineation, completeness, informational content, sociologic nature, wholeness, connectedness, anthropocentricity, separability. Literary and documentary texts implement the certain narrative scheme, which is reflected in the algorithm. The algorithm of the documentary text goes into standardization. Both kinds of texts have limited features of completeness and informativeness. Documentary text does not have function of the aesthetic informations transmission. Adequate and full decoding of the documentary text is related with understanding factual information. Decoding of a literary text requires deep understanding of the choice of thematic material, genre, composition, language means. Documentary text as a whole does not express the ethical information. Literary text exists for the transfer of ethical information. Document, unlike literary text is highly sociological. The integrity of the documentary text embodied in the thematic unity, directionality on the expression of the main intentions and objectified system details. The integrity of the literary text appears in the subtext, in the information which appears in the readers mind as you read the work. Both types of texts have a high degree of connectivity which included in these elements. In documentary text indexes are the cliché. Connectivity of a literary text is due to its idiomatic, figuratively integrity. Documentary text is characterized by fractional volume-pragmatic articulation, which is due to the desire to facilitate the work with it. The division of the literary text may be part of the figurative semiotics works that should make sense to the reader. Documentary and literary texts are characterized by an anthropocentrism.

Key words: communication, discourse, text, style, document, literary text.

Citation. Tokarev G.V. Features of Document and Literary Texts. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, no. 1 (30), pp. 77-81. (in Russian). DOI:

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