Shovgenina E.A. Investment Attractiveness of the City in Terms of Translation Pragmatics (Based on the Investment Passport of Volgograd) 

Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Shovgenina

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Volgograd State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of preservation of pragmatic constituent in the translated text of investment guide to Volgograd. The author analyses the factors that influence developing investment attractiveness of the city in the global communicative space. Particular attention is focused on determination and detailed analysis of its discourse and intra-textual features, i.e. genre building characteristics. The compositional structure and the most significant sections of the brochure under analysis are examined. After having studied numerous examples the author reveals that the key pragmatic aim of the investment guide text is both to inform the recipient (including a potential one) on the services offered, and to interest him or her, thus, establishing the necessary contacts, to inspire certain actions or mutual communication, that is, to cause a desire of carrying out investment activity on the territory of the city. The paper defines the role of a positive image of Volgograd in achieving a sociopragmatic purpose of informational texts on the economic programs implemented in the city, including potential projects which are attractive to investors. The author emphasizes, that while translating the investment guide to Volgograd into English the translators managed to preserve the pragmatics of the original text, first of all, by a set of linguistic devices of its implementation.

Key words: investment guide, linguapragmatic approach, linguistic means of developing investment attractiveness, discourse and intra-textual features, genre building characteristics, pragmatics of translation.

Citation. Shovgenina E.A. Investment Attractiveness of the City in Terms of Translation Pragmatics (Based on the Investment Passport of Volgograd). Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2015, no. 5 (29), pp. 127-132. (in Russian). DOI:

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Investment Attractiveness of the City in Terms of Translation Pragmatics (Based on the Investment Passport of Volgograd) by Shovgenina E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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