Olyanich A.V., Ryl’shchikova L.M. Semio-Linguistic Creative Actualization of the Concept “Information About the Future” in the Science Fiction Discourse


Andrey Vladimirovich Olyanich

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Agrarian University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lyubov' Mikhaylovna Ryl'shchikova

Senior Teacher, Department of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Agrarian University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article deals with the cognitive category of "semio-linguistic creativity", that serves as a tool for implification of the concept "Information about the future" in the science fiction discourse. The correlation between the categories of future and information is studied in semio-linguistic aspect; the conceptual core, internal and external zones of the concept "Information about the future" are explored in connection with the concepts "Future", "Myths" and "Expectations" that are viewed as belonging to the science fiction discourse. The following issues are considered: coordination between axiological and imaginative spheres of the concept "Information about the future"; the mechanism of transforming information from present and past into the future by means of literary imagination, which is aimed at constructing the imaginary hyper-reality with the use of concepts that belong to contemporary reality; it is stated that such activity lays the basis for multiple forecasts. After the analysis of the novels by Vasily Golovachev, a famous Russian science fiction writer, the authors present their interpretation of the process of science-fiction discourse unfolding that involves groups of signs from the following semio-linguistic clusters (The Man as a species; Food; Space, Earth), their semantic content is directly related to the needs of the future. The proposed algorithm of analysis may be applied to studying other semio-linguistic clusters: "Habitat," "Communications", "Social Environment", "Transport", "Technology", that may explicate the concept "Information about the future".

Key words: discourse, discourse unfolding, sign, concept, internal zone, external zone, semio-linguistics, semiotics.

Citation. Olyanich A.V., Ryl’shchikova L.M. Semio-Linguistic Creative Actualization of the Concept “Information About the Future” in the Science Fiction Discourse. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2015, no. 4 (28), pp. 81-95. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2015.4.10

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Semio-Linguistic Creative Actualization of the Concept “Information About the Future” in the Science Fiction Discourse by Olyanich A.V., Ryl’shchikova L.M. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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