Sirazieva Z.N. Peculiarities And Means of Pragmatic Functions Realization in Speech Genre “Oath” in Russian And English Communication 

Zarina Nailevna Sirazieva

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Foreign Languages, Kazan Cooperative Institute ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article is devoted to presenting some characteristics of pragmatic functions in textual realizations of the speech genre "Oath" and describes peculiarities and language means of the identifying, performative, inspirational, declarative, integrative functions including. The author considers the pragmatic functions as the constructive realizations of such components of speech genre "Oath" as: con-situation, semantic context, presupposition, speech. It is proved that the general presupposition of the addresser and addressees induces the general semantic meanings of con-situation of the oath, especially inspiration, solemnity, officiality, the importance of the events and the general value of the oath for society. In Russian and English linguistic cultures the tradition of taking the oath presupposes following certain standards and norms like a solemn situation, presence of some attributes, the addresser's demonstration of the opinion to future actions in his new position. The author pays special attention to description of performatives in accordance with their division into informative and verifying ones. The article shows similarity in the functions of professional oaths, which are connected with a position of the addresser and addressees and the communicative purpose of taking the oath, that is presented in such institutional discourse types as medical, political, military, pedagogical, legal and sport ones.

Key words: speech genre, oath, pragmatic function, con-situation, performative.

Citation. Sirazieva Z.N. Peculiarities And Means of Pragmatic Functions Realization in Speech Genre “Oath” in Russian And English Communication. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2015, no. 4 (28), pp. 41-46. (in Russian). DOI:


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