Barkovich Aleksandr Arkadyevich
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Linguistics, Belarusian State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Abstract. The practice of computer-mediated communication is determined by its linguistic content and information format that preconditions syncretic study of computermediated discourse with due regard to its dual nature – linguistic and information. This approach allows consideration of phenomenological foundations of information-dependent speech activity and can be described as linguistic and informational. Modern communication environment is characterized by particular dynamics: system-forming elements and relationships are constantly developing, well-known phenomena and technical capabilities pass on, new ones – emerge. In this regard it is relevant to form a model of sphere, a kind of infrastructure that reflects the underlying system relationships and allows to complete and modify them according to their dynamics. Media and communicational infrastructure characterizes computer-mediated communication on a number of linguistic and informational criteria, acts as a model and forms the basis of categorical metalinguistic apparatus of the sphere with due regard to its functional specifics. Differentiation of communicational relationships using the oppositional potential of the dichotomy 'objectivity – subjectivity' allows to consruct the conceptual framework of computer-mediated communication into a single discursive system of coordinates, avoiding the interference of hyperonyms "environment" and "situation". The linguistic and informational format of computer-mediated communication suggests the importance of linguistic support of relevant practice, in particular, the identification and systematization of discursive regularities.
Key words: computer-mediated communication, computer-mediated discourse, linguistic informativity, syncretism, phenomenon, infrastructure, model.
LINGUISTIC AND INFORMATIONAL SPECIFICS OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION: STRUCTURAL ASPECT by Barkovich A.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.