
Butakova Larisa Olegovna

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of Russian, Slavic and Classical Linguistics, Omsk F.M. Dostoevsky State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The main attention is paid to the introspective and experimental solution of the problem of official business text perception and understanding based on psycholinguistic approach to speech activity and its result. This result is a mental representation which is included in the semantic field of the recipient. It was necessary to emphasize the relationship and interdependence of generation perception, understanding processes, speech activity of all subjects. Urgency of the problem is determined by the increasing complexity of perception and understanding of official business texts. The official business text is generated as the product of standardized speech. Its perception and understanding activate cognitive mechanisms aimed at the identification of standardized semantic areas of official business fragment of mental space of a native speaker. Different psycholinguistic procedures proved the discrepancy of the cognitive space (the result of introspective analysis), actualized by the athor using standard language resources in case of its generation, the discrepancy of the subjective semantic space (the result of "semantic differential") in case of its perception, the discrepancy of the semantic text projection (the result of constructing a "counter-text"). The experimental models showed the emotive side of the text, the choice of foundations for understanding the experience and knowledge acquired by the recipients in the identic professional situation. The experimental data has shown the positive / negative attitude of recipients to the rational organization and some components of texts. It was attributed to the unequal size of text blocks, the significance of information to recipients, the inhomogeneity of the structure and content parts, personal rejection of texts by recipients.

Key words: speech activity, semantic differential, "counter-text" method, official business text, perception of text, understanding of text, subjective semantic space, semantic projection of text.

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COGNITIVE, SEMANTIC AND NOTIONAL SPACES OF THE OFFICIAL BUSINESS TEXTS by Butakova L.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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