
Radchuk Olga Andreevna

Postgraduate Student, Department of German Language, Chelyabinsk State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article deals with the correlation of the linguocultural and poetic concepts and reveals their peculiarities. The linguocultural concept acts as a unit of linguistic worldview which is characterized by the community and objectivity. The poetic concept is an element of individual worldview; it appears in the consciousness of one person and, consequently, it is subjective. The object of the research is the concept of Raum (Space) connected with one of the main ideological categories, which is important for understanding national worldview as well as the artistic world of a certain author. The author analyzes the noun Raum – the name of concept in lexicographic and paroemiological sources and also lexical representations of the concept which reflect the specifics of its actualization in the poetry by R.M. Rilke. In his works the main peculiarity of the concept is the frequency of the lexems which represent it – Weite (width), die Ferne (distance, vastness), die Tiefe (depth). They fix the relevant features of active layer which draw the linguocultural concepts together. The periphery, or passive layer, is represented by the features of Die Einsamkeit (Loneliness). It is shown that loneliness in the lyric by R.M. Rilke is firmly linked to space and is often indicated through it.

Key words: concept, linguocultural concept, poetic concept, worldview, concept layer.

Creative Commons License
PECULIARITIES OF LINGUOCULTURAL AND POETIC RAUM (SPACE) CONCEPTS by Radchuk O.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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