Kuksa I.Yu. Expressing the Dynamics of Linguistic Modality Concepts Through the Matrix Approach

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.1.12

Irina Yu. Kuksa

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Institute for the Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Aleksandra Nevskogo St, 14, 236041 KaliningradRussia

Deputy Director, Western Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Artilleriyskaya St, 62, 236041 Kaliningrad, Russia

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Abstract. The paper considers the reasons behind the unwavering scholarly interest to the issue of modality, it focuses on key theoretical approaches to the understanding of this concept, and analyses the differences in interpretations of its status, structural foundations and functional origins shared by different schools of linguistic thought. The research proposes a matrix designed approach to describe the variety of scientific views on modality and their dynamics. The left-hand column of the matrix lists the main categories of the content plane which are related to the typical means of expression listed in the upper row. The bottom row contains key theoretical approaches used to describe this or that linguistic universal. The points where these parameters connect in the matrix contain essential typological characteristics of modality. On the one hand, the matrix helps to systematically describe the key characteristics (planes of expression and content, elements of structure, functional importance, etc.) of different approaches to linguistic modality. On the other hand, it integrates different views on the complicated and multifaceted structure of modality as a linguistic category: the matrix objectifies intensified linguistic enquiry into the multidimensional nature of modality, from the formal grammar approach to the functional communicative, from the modality of an utterance to the modality of text. Finally, it highlights the development of a relatively new, pragmatic-communicative view of modality.

Key words: category of modality, grammatical category, functional semantic category, textual category, communicative category, matrix approach, modality plane of content, modality plane of expression.

Citation. Kuksa I.Yu. Expressing the Dynamics of Linguistic Modality Concepts Through the Matrix Approach. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2022, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 140-150. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.1.12

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Expressing the Dynamics of Linguistic Modality Concepts Through the Matrix Approach by Kuksa I.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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