Novak M.O. Names of Musical Instruments in Old East Slavonic Parimejniks from the 12 th – 14 th Centuries (On “Manuscript” Corpus Materials)


Maria O. Novak

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Leading Researcher, Department of Linguistic Source Studies and the History of Literary Russian Language, V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Volkhonka St, 18/2, 119019 Moscow, Russia

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Abstract. The article analyzes names of musical instruments, a thematic group significant for the biblical tradition, in four Old East Slavonic manuscripts from the 12 th – 14 th centuries, which are part of the Parimejnik subcorpus in the historical corpus "Manuscript" and belong to different textological groups. The author claims the advantages of electronic publication of sources, which provide new opportunities for searching, comparing, and analyzing data. Two types of contexts containing relevant lexical units are considered: readings with singular references and readings with multiple references to musical instruments. Stable Greek-Slavonic correlations and factors of variation are revealed, including the influence of the continuous Old Testament text on Parimejnik readings and dependence on various types of the Greek text. There is a connection between the context use of musical instruments names and the textological grouping of sources. The morphosyntactic positions of lexical units in several readings demonstrate not only the ratio of archaic and innovative methods of transmitting individual grammemes but also cases of occasional reinterpretation of syntactic connections. The analysis of the Parimejnik lexical usage is based on the data of historical lexicography, which allows concluding about the ways traditional translation strategies and methods typical for the translated Old Slavonic Christian literature reflect in the sources.

Key words: Old East Slavonic Parimejniks, historical corpus, names of musical instruments, translation, Greek-Slavonic correlations.

Citation. Novak M.O. Names of Musical Instruments in Old East Slavonic Parimejniks from the 12 th – 14 th Centuries (On "Manuscript" Corpus Materials). Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2. Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2021, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 18-28. (in Russian). DOI:

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Names of Musical Instruments in Old East Slavonic Parimejniks from the 12 th – 14 th Centuries (On “Manuscript” Corpus Materials) by Novak M.O. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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