Moshchanskaya E.Yu. Modern Problems of Translation: “Homo Loquens. Issues of Linguistics and Translatologie” (Book Review: Homo Loquens [Text] : (Issues of Linguistics and Translatology) : Collected Articles. – Iss. 10 / Ed. by V. A. Mityagina. – Volgograd : Izd-vo VolGU, 2017. – 218 p.)

Elena Yu. Moshchanskaya

Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Translation, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Prosp. Komsomolsky, 29, 614900 Perm, Russian Federation

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Creative Commons License

Modern Problems of Translation: “Homo Loquens. Issues of Linguistics and Translatologie” (Book Review: Homo Loquens [Text] : (Issues of Linguistics and Translatology) : Collected Articles. – Iss. 10 / Ed. by V. A. Mityagina. – Volgograd : Izd-vo VolGU, 2017. – 218 p.) by Moshchanskaya E.Yu. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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