Serebryakova S.V., Milostivaya А.I. Semantic Emergence as a Translation Problem


Svetlana V. Serebryakova

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head of the Department of Translation Theory and Practice, North-Caucasus Federal University

Pushkina St., 1, 355009 Stavropol, Russian Federation

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Aleksandra I. Milostivaya

Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, North-Caucasus Federal University

Pushkina St., 1, 355009 Stavropol, Russian Federation

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Abstract. The article deals with the hermeneutic analyses of the intertextual passages from the novel Ulysses by J. Joyce in the original and translation as a theoretical base of which the principle of palimpsest is considered, i.e. simultaneous sounding in the target text of the "voices" of the source text author, the narrator, characters of the original and prototext-sources of intertextual passages. It has been found that there is an emergence of implicit meanings in the original version, that is seen in the presence in the integral text of the analyzed chapter Oxen of the Sun of special communicative overtones, lacking in some separate constituent propositions of it. Linguistic and extralinguistic means, which retain the semantic emergence at the level of content-conceptual information and implication in the target text, are studied. It is shown that semantic emergence of the target text is fulfilled when the translator aims at an ideal elite reader (the translation by V.A. Khinkis and S.S. Khoruzhiy) and is not conveyed in case the puristic approach to the target language is actualized as the thesaurus of an average reader doesn't transfer the language play of palimpsests layers (translation by S.A. Makhov), and thus can't be considered as communicatively adequate.

Key words: semantic emergence, translation, fiction text, intertextuality, implicit meaning, рalimpsest principle, J. Joyce, novel Ulysses.

Citation. Serebryakova S.V., Milostivaya А.I. Semantic Emergence as a Translation Problem. Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 2, Yazykoznanie [Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics], 2017, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 48-57. (in Russian). DOI:

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