Petrova E.A. The Peculiarities of Expressing Propozemes in Polyssilogisms


Elena A. Petrova

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign and the Russian languages, Ufa Law Institute of the Interior Ministry of Russia

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Muksinova St., 2, 450103 Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article analyzes the features of complex propozemes functioning in polysillogisms that required an appeal to the deep connection of logic and language and allowed to give complete description of the research object. It is noted that among the various urgent problems of studying syntactic structures the methodology of the logical-cognitive interpretation is the more reasonable and the problems of opening mechanisms, lying in the basis of this interpretation, attract the attention of modern researchers and become one of the priority directions in the development of the theory of language in general and Germanic in particular. The emphasis is made on the fact that since the issue of linguistic interpretation of logical forms is a part of the general philosophical problem of communication of language, thought and knowledge, logic and syntax, then the situation can be resolved by the integral description of grammatical, semantic and logical forms, embodied in the language units. Thus, it is justified that the investigated structures can be represented in the discourse mainly in the form of abbreviated syllogisms, which are expressively performed in polysillogisms. When studying theoretical material we used a wide range of linguistic methods and research techniques: structural-functional and contextual analysis, the method of linguistic observation, descriptive-analytical method, the logical-cognitive modeling; method of interpreting the language of facts by means of logical thinking. The examples of using these methods are given to achieve specific scientific purposes.

Key words: propozeme, dictum, syllogism, enthymeme, polysillogism, prosilloogism, episillogism.

Citation. Petrova E.A. The Peculiarities of Expressing Propozemes in Polyssilogisms. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 207-213. (in Russian). DOI:

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The Peculiarities of Expressing Propozemes in Polyssilogisms by Petrova E.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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