Ilyin D.Yu. Regional Toponyms in Tourism Discourse


Dmitriy Yu. Ilyin

Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Russian Language and Documentation Studies, Volgograd State University

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Abstract. The publication presents the practical application of research results of the regional toponyms. The development of tourism is manifested in the increase in the print advertising for tourists – encyclopedias, guidebooks, tour guides, and increases the requirements for the quality of its content. The toponymic names, which make it possible to explicate some of the features of the spiritual and material life of the people, to provide additional information about the development of the Russian language are of particular significance in the texts of tourism discourse. The article deals with the toponymic names the formation of which is influenced by both intra- and extralinguistic factors. The study is based on the material of onyms indicating geographical names. The author allocates the groups of regional geographical proper names, which are the basis of the nomination on the following attributes: a reflection of the natural-geographical name of conditionality; an indication of the people or peoples living in the given territory; determinism of historical figures who played a significant role in the life of the region, or the events that influenced the development of the country; ethnocultural certainty; an implicit reference to the names of the components implemented only within the region. On the basis of the description of structural and functional properties of propriation units designating geographical objects, the author shows features of their semantic content, defining their role in representative presentation of tourism discourse.

Key words: modern Russian language, onomastics, toponymy, tourism discourse, language of the region.

Citation. Ilyin D.Yu. Regional Toponyms in Tourism Discourse. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 152-158. (in Russian). DOI:

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