Voyvodich D.P. On Grammatical Status of Participle Verb Forms / Constructions in Slavic Languages


Doychil Petrovich Voyvodich

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article is devoted to the semi-grammaticalized aspectual-temporal forms / constructions which represent a relatively poorly studied linguistic phenomenon in modern Russian language. Special attention is dedicated to the possibility of using the future tense participle (сделающий, сделаемый), as well as using analytical (above all, nominalized) constructions consisting of the personal form of the auxiliary verb 'be' (быть) and the shorter form of the passive past tense participle (был изучен – изучен – будет изучен). In analysis, these passive constructions are compared with similar structures in other Slavic languages, in which they are also grammaticalized to an insufficient extent, which indirectly indicates that the given question needs to be considered on a general Slavic level. It is suggested that the grammatical status of the above mentioned forms/constructions that express temporal relations should be examined against the active voice and tripartite mutual opposition in a verb aspectualtemporal subsystem (past – present – future tense). Considering orientation to the grammatical moment of speech, the point of reference is characterized according to one and the same position and contains both active and passive temporal forms. Having studied discussions on grammatical status of participle forms / constructions in Russian and other Slavic languages and after personal analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the future tense participle forms of analytical (aspect-tense) verbal structures in the Russian language may be considered substitutions; they are offered to be viewed as a part of paradigmatic system opposed to synthetic aspect-tense forms.

Key words: grammaticalization, grammatical status, active voice, passive voice, participle of the future tense, analytical construction, asymmetric system, Slavic languages.

Citation. Voyvodich D.P. On Grammatical Status of Participle Verb Forms / Constructions in Slavic Languages. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2016, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 174-187. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15688/jvolsu2.2016.2.21

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