Mel’nikova E.A. On Specifying Media Representation of Reality in the Genre of News Story 

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Mel'nikova

Postgraduate Student, Department of English Philology, Volgograd State University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article highlights genre peculiarities of the news story that represents social event in media discourse as the mixture of invariant genre features and text realization variations. The author points to the entanglement of narration about the event constituents with the response commentaries and refers it to discursive circumstances in verbal presentation of a socially relevant event in the breaking news story format. The statement is verified with the interpretational analysis of news stories with the tag «Natural Disaster». It is proved that the narrative part is to ensure invariability of exactness and conciseness as the genre features of the text that describes an event or happening. To implement the tasks of making the plausibility of the information and increasing the interest to the news story the following types of response commentaries are incorporated into the text: the current commentary (witnesses' opinion or citations on impression), the pre-commentary (indication to connection between the main event and the prior ones), the post-commentary (information for the reader about possible consequences of the happening). Such mixture of ways that depict main and related events helps to solve one pragmatic goal of media discourse – having changed the perspective of event representation a journalist could not only attract the attention to the breaking news about natural disasters, but get a reader's respond to it. Being initiated by a journalist response commentaries help to enrich the details indirectly and raise the reader's awareness that he hasn't asked for. The article also contains generalization about stylistic implementation of the pre- and post-commentaries in the news breaking story.

Key words: representation, media discourse, genre, news story, news break, commentary.

Citation. Mel’nikova E.A. On Specifying Media Representation of Reality in the Genre of News Story. Science Journal of Volgograd State University. Linguistics, 2015, no. 4 (28), pp. 103-108. (in Russian). DOI:


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