Myskin Sergey Vladimirovich

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Advisor to the Rector, Moscow Academy of Labor Market and Information Technologies ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Abstract. The article reveals psycholinguistic aspects of professional socialization of identity in the modern market conditions. The relevance of this study is determined by the growth of professional speech works, regulatory and guide professional activities and professional communication of the modern expert. Professional self-determination of linguistic identity is characterized as a result of the orientation of a person in the world of labour represented by professional texts. From the psycholinguistic viewpoint, the orientation of linguistic identity is based on language and speech types of relationships between a specialist and the environment. In order to develop a more comprehensive picture of psycholinguistic aspects of language socialization of the personality in the labour world the article described the psycholinguistic model of professional self-determination of linguistic identity, including linguistic, stylistic and interiorization stages that reveal patterns of perception and reproduction of professional texts by a person. The author characterizes the categories which create the mentioned model. Professional self-determination of linguistic identity is revealed through the image of professional world, generated in the process of professional texts perception. Professional texts are characterized as totality of social developed ways of handling items of work and techniques of professional communication expressed in speech. The style of professional speech work is expressed by means of stylistic elements unity, selection principles and combination of professional speech forms. "The image of the author" in professional texts is revealed in its connection with the characters-professionals, relevant speech tools and techniques in different situations.

Key words: professional self-determination of personality, psycholinguistic model, professional text, linguistic personality, image of professional world, professional speech style. 

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PSYCHOLINGUISTIC MODEL OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF IDENTITY by Myskin S.V. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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