
Olyanich Andrey Vladimirovich

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Volgograd State Agrarian University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Nikishkova Mariya Sergeevna

Postgraduate Student, Department of English Philology and Modern Teaching Technologies, Samara Branch of Moscow City Teachers' Training University ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article presents the overview of linguistic research on gastronomic / gluttony communicative environment as ethnocultural phenomenon from the standpoint of conceptology, discourse study and linguosemiotics. The authors study the linguosemiotic encoding / decoding in the English gastronomic (gluttony) discourse. The peculiarities of gastronomic gluttonyms "immersion" into everyday communication are studied. The anglophone ethnicities are revealed and different ways of gluttony texts (including the precedent ones) formation are investigated. The linguosemiotic parameters of ethnocultural (anglophone) gastronomic coded communication are established, their discursive characteristics are identified. It is determined that in English gastronomic communication, the discursive actualization of ethno-linguocultural code has a dynamic nature; the constitutive features of gastronomic discourse have symbolic (semiotic) basics and are connected with such semiotic categories as code, encoding, decoding. It was found that food is semiotic in its origin and represents the cultural code. It was revealed that the semiosis of English gastronomic text is regularly filled with the codes of traditional "English-likeness" (ethnic term by Roland Barthes) expressed by gluttonyms. "Nationality" code is detected through the names of products specific to certain areas; national identity of ethnic code also allows highlighting ways of dish garnishing and serving, typical characteristics of particular local preparation methods. The authors analyze the "lingualization" of food images having an ambivalent character, determined, firstly, by food signs (gluttonyms) which structure the common space of gastronomic discourse and provide it with ethnic linguocultural food source; secondly, by immerging formed images into a specific ethnic code that is decoded in gastronomic discourse unfolding. The precedent texts accumulate ethnic information supplying adequate gastronomic worldview of native speakers and ethnic culture.

Key words: gastronomy, gluttonym, decoding, discourse, sign, coding, linguo-semiotics, ethno-linguoculture.

Creative Commons License
DISCURSIVE ACTUALIZATION OF ETHNO-LINGUOCULTURAL CODE IN ENGLISH GLUTTONY by Olyanich A.V., Nikishkova M.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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